Episode 78

no. 116,842


no. 116,842

Published on November 5, 2015

* Under the credits is Harlaamstrat 74 off of John Dankworth’s Modesty Blaise score.
* First bit is called Steep Hills of Vicodin Tears by A Winged Victory for the Sullen from their self-titled album.
* A brief bit of Occam II for Violin by Silvia Tarrozi scores the shuttle accident (non-NASA category).
* We’ve got Eloy by Deaf Center.
* Finish out with Call from Julianna Barwick’s album Pacing.

* There’s no, proper, grown-up biography of Margaret Knight (as far as I’ve been able to locate). Though there are a handful of kid’s books of varying degrees of charm and accuracy. She does pop up in a fair amount of “Lady Inventors!!!” collections. I read a bunch of these, but I want to single out one for its rigor: Autumn Stanley’s Mothers and Daughters of Invention.

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